Sunday, May 11, 2008

USA Bashers !

There are many in the Media/Academia and Think Tanks who believe that USA is responsible for every ill in the World!! Be it Climate/Wars/Poverty, its the Big Bad USA responsible for the mess.Of course this has accelerated since President Bush assumed office.

These Armchair Liberals truly believe that if only we could sit down and " Talk" things would be all alright ! In their theoretical world they feel all the Countries in the UN need to be telegraphed our ( US) intentions and then we must engage them so they can be won over.The greatest " Talker" Barack is their savior and he is on the way to " Save" us!!

The biggest hoax they want to pull is " Let's get out of Iraq" so we can concentrate on the war in Afghanistan!! Americans wake up-They want to juggle and shuffle the deck-Troops will still be out but only now in Afghanistan.Of course these "kooks" have no such intentions nor the guts to confront but they can " Talk" and that's what they are experts at " talking". America is today the only yes the only Nation which stands as a Guarantor of Order in this very very dangerous world and no amount of " talk" is going to satisfy the blood thirsty Islamists.

Until Tomorrow Adios !

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