Saturday, May 17, 2008

Obama Strategy- Guilt Trip !!

If you carefully observe the Big media,you will see how they are in the " tank" for Obama !

Every issue,every statement by the Republicans will be framed in the context of " race".Obama and the democrats play this game along !

Every time a Republican and or McCain issues a Foreign and or Defense issue,Obama will co opt it and twist it as an attack on his credentials and the media will then carry the ball for him! His campaign will and does everything to turn this in to a race issue for they have rightly assessed the media mind set !

The rules for the upcoming Elections are very clear in the media mind set:

Do not attack Obama for his policies,misstatements,inexperience and generally on any issue, cause we are trying to derail a smart " Black" man.

This is inspired for the " wrongs" of the past and we need to now correct our "wrongs" by promoting this young inexperienced African American who has not a inkling of the problems facing African Americans and who can do zilch to improve their lifestyles!! The only thing he is capable of is change and yes that's the "reparations" we will pay for which these leftists have been clamoring for the past 30 years!

Granted they Guy is a good orator and he knows how to get the young people all worked up, but mark this message,in the General Elections you will see the tumble and when the results are in you will find out how this strategy will misfire and how he will be abandoned by these very " Young" who he claims to have enrolled in the " primaries".

More later.

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