Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July Celebrations!

Hello Fellow Americans,

It was a wonderful day !! The sights and sounds of the Fireworks and the crowds at the Capitol as well as across the country showed Americans can party! The Young and the Old waving the Flags ,singing and dancing was a patriotic sight!
Wish we can extend this spirit of optimism and get rid of the Gloom and Doom crowd!

Yes there are problems, but not ones which are unbeatable.Remember one thing the Government and the President cannot solve is your specific problem.Our Elected officials can only implement sensible policies which in turn will generate "Work" and other material things for "Pursuit of Happiness".

Democrats need to understand that though drilling beginning now will not yield more production within say next 10 years,the fact that USA is ready to extract more oil from within its territory sends a powerful signal to OPEC and other Countries who will try their best get us off this idea as it threatens their long term survival!
Further the drilling NOW will generate some high paying jobs in quite a few states and the Royalties from the Big Oil will help many States to close their deficit.
The ripple effect on the Economy will be felt within a few years and it is imperative that the Democrats stop being the party which is all the time preaching and practising policies designed to change the " Habits" of every day folks.Let technology and the choice be available to us and we know best depending on our circumstances to conserve or splurge!!!

By the way have you wondered why all these liberals in the Media-TV and Print and Web preach all these " Habit" changing ideas such as drive small cars,less pollution, etc etc using a medium where their constituency does not exist????!!

I bet you hardly a single homeless is reading the NY Times or watching the TV Shows full of Liberals !!Then who are they trying to appeal??? It's the hard working Middle Class which they want to make feel guilty and scare them withe every day Gloom and Doom messages!

Until Next time Enjoy the long Weekend!!!

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